Action shot: The setting I had my camera at was 1/2000 to be able to capture the water droplets splashing up from the cup that i filled up with water mixed with green dye. To make the water splash up I used an ice cube. It took a few try's to know when to take the photograph till I was able to get what I wanted.
Panning shot: For trying to practice panning shots, i found it the most difficult and took me several try's to even get the subject focused with the blurry background. I think its because I wasn't moving the camera at the exact same speed as the person walking/running. For this I had my camera at the setting of 1/15
Light Painting: I wasn't in class for when we learned how to do the light painting so it took my a while to find the right settings on my camera to make it work. For this picture I went outside when it got dark and my friend tried to make images with the sparklers while I tried to get the settings right on my camera. I ended up using the setting of 5" on my camera to capture this image.
Strobe Light: It was difficult to capture this image with out it being blurry because there was not enough tripods so i had to try to keep my camera still by hand. The setting I had my camera at was 3"